Welcome to another episode of the Strawberry Skies radio show! This week we'll be listening to a bunch of new releases along with some February-themed tracks.
If you're reading this between 6:00 and 7:00 PM EST on Thursday, February 17th, you can listen live right now here. If you're not reading this during that timeframe, you can listen to what I played using this week's Spotify playlist here!
"Exercise" - Lesibu Grand
I wanted to include this song this week to help promote an online music festival being run by Gritty in Pink and Punk Black that's happening tomorrow, including artists like Lesibu Grand, Shenna, MEGA, MAKO Girls, and more! You can find more information on Gritty In Pink's website and on the air tonight.
“Who I Left Behind (Death Rattle)” - Montclair
Montclair is one of my favorite bands out of Connecticut right now, and this is their latest single which rocks. Definitely check them out if they're playing a show in your area.
“Anyone Else” - Sierra Annie Band
Sierra Annie is one of my favorite artists to work with, and this heartfelt song with lyrics about an abusive relationship is absolutely beautiful. If you're into Taylor Swift as much as I am, you'll love Sierra.
“Q4” - Father John Misty
Father John Misty's "I Love You Honeybear" is one of my favorite albums of all-time, and I'm really liking what I'm hearing from his upcoming album "Chloë and the Next 20th Century." I like this track "Q4" a lot more than the lead single "Funny Girl."
“A Decision” - Inclination
Seeing Inclination live for the first time in 2019 was the first time I ever thought about claiming straight edge, and they've been one of my favorite bands since. They just released two new songs and both of them are amazing.
“Celebrity Skin” - Doja Cat
"Celebrity Skin" by Hole is one of my mom's favorite songs, and Doja Cat is one of my favorite artists, so I had to text her as soon as I heard this cover for the first time. Hoping that this is a sign of more new music to come from Doja as well.
“The Joker And The Queen” - Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran
This song wasn't a stand-out track for me when I first listened to "=" back in the fall, but if you know me, you know how much I love Taylor Swift. She definitely took this to the next level for me.
“Nobody Said” - Trophy Eyes
I've had mixed feelings about the last few Trophy Eyes singles, but this one really hit the way I wanted it to. Excited to see what's next for them.
“Nightmare” - Halsey
This song has been out for a few years now, but Halsey re-released it with the deluxe version of "If I Can't Have Love, I Want Power", so I've been listening to it again lately. This is one of their best songs to date.
“You When You’re Gone” - Anxious
I haven't played Anxious on air in a while and their new record "Little Green House" is my favorite of the year so far, so I threw the closing track on this week's playlist. It's absolutely breathtaking.
“February Weather” - In Her Own Words
I mentioned last week that I'd been listening to a ton of In Her Own Words lately, and that hasn't changed. This song felt appropriate because the title matches this month.
“February” - Beach Bunny
This is another song that I wanted to play to match this month's theme. I'm finally seeing Beach Bunny for the first time in May and I can't wait.
“February Stars” - Foo Fighters
The final song in our trilogy of February tracks, the Foo Fighters have been one of my favorite bands since I was literally a toddler. I can't wait to see them again this summer.
What songs do you want to hear me play next week? Let me know by tweeting me at @JENSESSlON or the blog at @StrawbSkiesBlog! The blog can also be found on social media @StrawberrySkiesBlog on Instagram and Strawberry Skies Blog on Facebook.