Welcome to another episode of the Strawberry Skies Weekly Jams radio show and playlist, packed with new music! I can't wait to share all of these tracks with you on such a beautiful day here in Hamden.
If you're reading this between 7:00 and 8:00 PM EST on Thursday, April 20th, you can listen live right now here. If you're not reading this during that timeframe, you can listen to what I played using this week's Spotify playlist here!
"Georgia Peach" - Quinn XCII
"Out Of My League" - Aidan Bissett
"WIsh You The Best" - Lewis Capaldi
"Fantasy" - Lauren Spencer Smith, GAYLE, Em Beihold
"pressure" - aldn, chloe moriondo
"Kill Bill" - SZA, Doja Cat
"Your Mind Is Not Your Friend" - The National, Phoebe Bridgers
"Rescued" - Foo Fighters
"Savior Mode" - Balance and Composure
"Thank You, New Jersey" - Origami Angel
"2 BEST FRIENDS" - Waterparks
"Teeth - Live from The Royal Albert Hall" - 5 Seconds of Summer
What songs do you want to hear me play next week? Let me know by tweeting me at @JENSESSlON or the blog at @StrawbSkiesBlog!
The blog can also be found on social media @StrawberrySkiesBlog on Instagram and Strawberry Skies Blog on Facebook. If you'd like to support me and/or the blog, you can pick up Strawberry Skies stickers here and shirts here!